Tag Archives: inverted classroom
T v IE: traditional versus interactive engagement
In my last post, I noted that I’ve been doing some interesting reading about the history of calculus instruction and some recent developments. Earlier today, I gave a talk that summarized much of that reading at the Kansas City Math … Continue reading
Posted in General, Teaching
Tagged activities, calculus, inverted classroom
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How my calculus class looks this fall (part 2 of 3)
In an earlier post, I thought to make my teaching more public, and then subsequently shared some reflections on how my calculus I course looks overall. In this post I’ll give an overview of how a typical week is structured, … Continue reading
Posted in Teaching, Uncategorized
Tagged activities, calculus, inverted classroom, resources, students
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Screencasts for Active Calculus and the Inverted Classroom
It’s time to gear up for fall semester. Over the month of August ahead, I look forward to sharing some news and updates about Active Calculus and related matters here on the blog. I’m excited that among the many sections … Continue reading
Posted in inquiry-based learning, Resources
Tagged differential calculus, IBL, inverted classroom, online, resources, technology