Category Archives: Costs
Active Calculus and Edfinity: an alternative to WeBWorK
Many instructors use online homework systems with their students. This approach provides accountability for students, immediate feedback and multiple attempts on their work, and simple grading for instructors. While I’m always glad to share WeBWorK .def files with users who … Continue reading
Professor disciplined for not using a for-profit text, written by his department chair
This post on the Chronicle’s site basically speaks for itself: a text, written by the dept chair, was used for 25 years and had “never been questioned“. When a faculty member tried to do otherwise, he was disciplined. All I can … Continue reading
From my Amazon feed: Stewart’s Calculus for $272.52
In recent recommendations from Amazon, based on my prior reading and buying, I got an email suggesting that I buy James Stewart’s Calculus text. Heh. The 7th edition, no less: At least you can rent it for $50 for the … Continue reading
Your (my!) annual vent about textbook costs
College students everywhere are heading to their campus bookstores’ websites to see what their textbooks are going to set them back. Here are three anecdotes that have gotten me rankled just within the last week or so. – One of … Continue reading