Active Calculus – Multivariable: initial public offering

Steve, David, and I are pleased to announce that a first public version of Active Calculus – Multivariable is now available for download.  You can find the file directly at, or from the general Active Calculus site.

If you are interested in the source files, please email me at boelkinm at gvsu dot edu.

Finally, a quick note about the single variable text: at the link from the Active Calculus site above (or directly from, the 2015 version with promised corrections and editorial updates is available.  Note well:  from the “buy this book” link at the download page, the 2015 version is not yet available.  I will post here as soon as the print-on-demand 2015 version is available (which I expect to occur within a week).

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One Response to Active Calculus – Multivariable: initial public offering

  1. Pingback: Active Calculus: Single Variable, 2015 Version now available | opencalculus

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