AC3 is almost here

The multivariable edition of Active Calculus, to which I alluded in an earlier post, is almost ready to be shared publicly.  Steve Schlicker, David Austin, and I have been hard at work for much of the summer, and are pleased to announce that on or around Monday, August 3, we will publish a PDF file for download.  I will add a new post here on the blog that includes a direct link to the page, as well as some other info.

For now, a preview of a few key features:

+ like the original Active Calculus, each section features motivating questions, a preview activity, 3-4 in-class activities, and several challenging exercises

+ also like the original, thanks to David, there are fantastic full-color graphics.  David recently developed a remarkable package for 3D graphics, which enables him to generate .eps figures like these:

fig_11_1_riemann_3_2 fig_11_8_sphere_cone

+ the text will of course be both free and open-source.  The PDF will be available publicly, while the source code will be available upon request.  We will wait approximately a year to do some beta-use, get feedback, and do some further editing before we make arrangements for a print-on-demand option.

I want to especially thank Steve for all of the work that he did to generate an initial draft, which gave us a big collective push and really got this project off the ground.

Interested parties can contact any of the three of us to learn more:  Steve (schlicks at gvsu dot edu), David (austind at gvsu dot edu), or me (boelkinm at gvsu dot edu).  Again, more to follow in the next 10 days or so.

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