This summer, in addition to working with Steve and David on AC3, I went through the original single-variable version and implemented changes to correct typos, clarify questions, and more in response to over 100 suggestions I received from users. To all of you who sent those to me: thank you.
I’m pleased to say that the 2015 version is now available online in PDF, as well as in bound, print-on-demand format from several different booksellers (e.g. Amazon, ). If you use the Fetchbook link that is posted at the download page, which compares prices across booksellers, note well that you may get pointed to a used copy (i.e. the 2014 version). If you are sending students to buy the print version for a course this fall, I suggest you provide them a direct link to Amazon or B&N or another seller of your choice for now. Cost remains under $20 per copy across most sources.
In addition to having fewer typographical errors, in the 2015 version David Austin has contributed new 3D graphics. These considerably improve the figures in the section on solids of revolution, as well as a few other places in text where I had 3D-ish graphics that merited replacement.
As always, I welcome hearing suggestions from users for changes to future versions, and especially notes about any remaining typographical errors. You can reach me directly at boelkinm at gvsu dot edu. If you are interested in the activities workbook(s) or the source code, please email me to request.