Desmos versions of Active Prelude Preview Activities

My colleague Marcia Frobish at GVSU has instantiated each of the preview activities in Active Prelude to Calculus as a Desmos activity.

If you are a Desmos user, you should check these out.

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Google groups for Active Calculus

I’m launching two groups for information about the Active Calculus texts!forum/active-calculus-announce, where there will be infrequent posts announcing new editions and features, and!forum/active-calculus-users, which is a forum for instructors who use (or are considering using) the text.

At the latter, I hope there will be a lively exchange of ideas that center on the user experience, feedback and suggestions, and requests for new content or features.  My goal is to develop a user-driven forum that can further improve all three textbooks.

I have long maintained an email list of people who have contacted me about one of the texts.  I’m using that list to directly add everyone to “announce”, and invite everyone to “users”.  (Google only permits adds/invites to 100 people per 24 hours (and only 10 at a time!), and I have close to 400 people on my list, so by the end of the week I expect to have all of these out, at which time I’ll start posting some items for discussion on the -users list.  If you are on my email list, haven’t yet gotten an invitation/notification, and don’t want to wait, follow the links above:  anyone can join the “announce” list, and anyone can request to join the “users” list.  I intend to reserve the list for people who are HS or college instructors.

Finally, I’d like to thank Mike Shulman of the University of San Diego for prompting the formation of these groups.  I look forward to the discussion that follows.

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PreTeXt & the Future of Textbooks

Rob Beezer’s free, open authoring platform PreTeXt is what enables the fantastic HTML output for Active Calculus and so many other free, open textbooks.

As part of my work with the PreTeXt Advocacy Group (Sally Koutsoliotas, Jennifer Nordstrom, Bruce Yoshiwara, and me), I’m excited to announce that PreTeXt is featured in the December/January issue of MAA FOCUS; you can read our article on The Future of Textbooks at .

The article highlights the new PreTeXt Catalog,
which has over 50 PreTeXt projects — all publicly available, some still in development.  In addition, the new PreTeXt Gallery offers a smaller list of mature exemplars.  All three texts from are in the Catalog, and the single variable text is in the Gallery.  There are many other fantastic texts there for you to consider.

Even more, if you’ve not used PreTeXt yourself, I hope you’ll consider using it for future or current projects.

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Short user survey – Active Calculus (single variable)

Regarding the single variable text, I’m trying to gain some information about adoption, how the text is used, and what additional features are desirable.  If you use the text in your teaching, I’d greatly appreciate you taking 5 minutes to complete this survey:
Responses by Friday, 10/18, will be most helpful.  Thanks.
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An argument for print textbooks

Here’s an interesting article regarding the effect of electronic vs print textbooks on student learning when reading for understanding:

“Our work has revealed a significant discrepancy. Students said they preferred and performed better when reading on screens. But their actual performance tended to suffer.”

The article has lots of interesting observations on things like the scrolling effect, how the purpose of a person’s reading matters in connection to the medium, and how some students with certain reading traits are actually more effective reading electronically over print.

I’m going to use this article to start a conversation with my students about what version of the text they should use for my courses, and encourage them to consider print.  While both Active Calculus and Active Prelude to Calculus are free in .html and .pdf, the print versions of each can be purchased for $21 and $17, respectively.  For many students, it may well be worth the additional money to invest in a print copy.

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Active Calculus and Edfinity: an alternative to WeBWorK

Many instructors use online homework systems with their students.  This approach provides accountability for students, immediate feedback and multiple attempts on their work, and simple grading for instructors.  While I’m always glad to share WeBWorK .def files with users who have access to a WeBWorK platform, for people without such access there hasn’t been a good low-cost alternative until recently.

Edfinity is a new online homework platform that offers access to WeBWorK’s Open Problem Library through an easy-to-use modern interface.  Several different schools that have adopted Active Calculus have been using Edfinity for the past year, and as a result, a full “course” of online homework exercises that correspond to Active Calculus (single variable) is now available.  You can access the course from Edfinity’s course catalog; you can edit and modify as you see fit, but by using the course you’ll have a pre-selected collection of online homework problems that align directly with the text.

Edfinity is very affordable, especially when used in conjunction with a free text like Active Calculus.   There are three options to pay the fee (which varies, but comes out to $2-$4 per student per month, something on the order of $12-$16 per course):

  1. Students can pay for access when they enroll in the course. This the default behavior.
  2. An instructor or their department/university can opt to pay a lump sum in advance for student access.
  3. Bookstores may purchase access codes for resale to students on financial aid – these will be priced higher to reflect the additional costs of servicing bookstores (

If you are already using Edfinity or choose to use it this year, I’d welcome hearing from you about your experience (either here in the comments or privately by email – boelkinm at gvsu dot edu).  I’m hoping to experiment with it myself in a full course in the near future.


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How to Use Active Calculus

I added new sections to the preface of Active Calculus this year, including “Students! Read This!” and “Instructors: Read This!”  My main goal in writing these was to help better ensure that users of the text are aware of some of the features of the text, especially in the HTML format.  There are similar sections in Active Prelude to Calculus.

In addition to the written text, I created a 15-minute screencast on how I think students should use the text.  In the video, I discuss the different formats of the text, how a typical section is structured, the importance of using an Activities Workbook, knowls and interactive graphics, WeBWorK, and how the text looks on a smart phone.

I hope anyone using AC or APC (instructors included) will take time before the semester begins to watch it.

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Active Calculus 2019 updates

I’m excited to share several important updates:

1. new landing page at
2. updated versions of Active Calculus (single variable, 2018 edition) in HTML, PDF, and print (with updated activities workbooks [1-4], [5-8], too)
3. updated version of Active Prelude to Calculus, now hosted at the main page and with HTML, PDF, and (new!) print available (plus an activities workbook)

In a bit more detail:

1.  At, you’ll find information about all three texts I’ve contributed to:  Active Prelude to Calculus, Active Calculus (single variable), and Active Calculus Multivariable.  In addition to the landing page, there’s an individual page devoted to each text, and those pages provide additional information about the text and available ancillary materials.

2.  Thanks to a large amount of helpful user feedback in the 2018-19 academic year, I’ve made numerous updates to the 2018 Edition of Active Calculus, resulting in “2018 Edition – UPDATED”.  The vast majority were minor (many had to do with correcting errors in the answers to activities and exercises, which were newly included in the 2018 edition); the differences were not substantial enough to merit calling it the “2019 Edition”.  The most significant changes can be found in Section 5.6 (with a much clearer discussion of the error of numerical integration techniques), Section 3.1 (some clarification on terminology with “increasing” and “decreasing”), and Section 5.2 with an added exercise on how the absolute value arises in antidifferentiating the natural logarithm.  If you would like a full list/changelog of what has changed between August 2018 and July 2019, email me to ask: boelkinm at gvsu dot edu.

The main logistic issue of note:  if you have students who were using the 2018 edition for calculus 1 at some point in the last year and will be taking calculus 2 in Fall 2019 or later, they should download the updated PDF and be aware that there are some minor differences between that and the version they had previously.  This is especially important if they purchased a print copy of the text from Amazon before July 30, 2019.  The 2018 print version is still fine to use, but just beware the changes noted above.  Same for activities workbooks.

In print and PDF, you know you have the most up-to-date version if on the cover you see “UPDATED” following “2018 Edition”.  The HTML at is “2018 Edition – UPDATED”.

3.  In January, I released the first public version of my new calculus-prep text, Active Prelude to Calculus.  I originally titled it “Active Preparation for Calculus“, but subsequently decided that the “Prelude” title was a better fit, and that it was early enough in the book’s life to make the change.

Over the course of the coming year, I expect that my GVSU colleagues and I will develop some ancillary materials to support Active Prelude; for now, the main one available is the activities workbook, which you can acquire for free in PDF by emailing me (boelkinm at gvsu dot edu) or in print form on Amazon.

As ever, I welcome hearing from users at any time with questions, error corrections, or suggestions.  Thank you for considering as a resource for your calculus-related teaching and learning.

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Active Preparation for Calculus

[August 2019 update: I re-named the text “Active Prelude to Calculus” as part of recent summer 2019 editing.  I won’t change the title again :-).  All else below still applies, with updated links.]

Back in May, I wrote of my pending fall 2018 sabbatical and plans to write a textbook for the calculus-prep course that we now offer at GVSU.  I’m pleased to share that a complete draft of my latest free, open-source text, Active Preparation for Calculus, is now publicly available in HTML, PDF, or its original PreTeXt source.  I also have an activities workbook in PDF available upon request.

The text is written in the spirit and style of Active Calculus.  Each section begins with a short introduction followed by a preview activity designed for students to complete prior to class, and proceeds with a mix of text and 3-4 activities that are designed for students to complete cooperatively during class.  The number of worked examples is small, as students are expected to actively engage with the material in order to develop conceptual understanding.

I’ve written in a backward-looking fashion:  from the perspective of someone who regularly teaches calculus, what are the most important ideas that I want my calculus students to know?  What are the prerequisite concepts they often struggle with?  Throughout, I kept in mind the fact that the audience for this text is students who will have seen related ideas in previous courses, so I endeavored to introduce new perspectives and approaches that will challenge students to think differently and develop new understanding.  For example, linear functions are formally defined as functions whose average rate of change is constant.

The result is not a traditional “precalculus” book.  When I read precalculus or college algebra books, I often find a considerable portion of the content devoted to topics that aren’t used much in calculus, as well as limited emphasis on central calculus-related ideas.  In Active Preparation for Calculus, I chose to focus on helping students understand functions as processes (shaped considerably by the work of Marilyn Carlson et al — hat tip: Dave Kung), gain insight into a library of the most important basic functions (including how these lead to families of functions that depend on parameters), use average rate of change to interpret trends in function behavior, see how familiar functions model important phenomena in the world around us, and begin to comprehend the use of limits to describe key aspects of function behavior.  Throughout, we work with functions from numerical, graphical, and algebraic perspectives, with an emphasis on the prominent role of inverse functions.  The text includes a modest amount of trigonometry, with the primary focus being on the sine and cosine as circular functions, plus some key right triangle trigonometry.  Further, through such problems as investigating water entering or leaving a tank with a certain shape or how constrained surface area of select containers enables us to write their volume as a function of a single variable, students encounter fundamental ideas they’ll see again in calculus in the settings of related rates and optimization problems, and themselves develop the functions that represent the quantities of interest.  We also consistently make the distinction between exact and approximate values.  I describe my overall goals and approach in more detail in the preface.

I hope that the text will not only serve as the basis for other calculus-prep courses, but also as a useful review resource for students currently in calculus who need to refresh select fundamental concepts and ideas.

Like the original version of Active Calculus: Single Variable, this first draft has 3-4 challenging exercises per section.  For more routine exercises, instructors will need to supplement with WeBWorK or some other source of free, open problems.  You might find Edfinity an option as well.  I will be adding anonymous WeBWorK exercises to the text in the near future, and expect to have these (like the ones in Active Calculus) in place by August 2019.  For now, I have some WeBWorK .def files that correspond loosely to the text that I’d be glad to share upon request.

At the upcoming Joint Math Meetings in Baltimore, I’ll be giving a talk on the text in the OER session.  The talk will occur in Room 301 of the Convention Center on Wednesday, January 16.

I’m grateful to Grand Valley State University for the time provided by a sabbatical leave; to Rob Beezer for developing PreTeXt, the publishing language that allows the beautiful HTML output; to the American Institute of Mathematics for their support of free and open texts; to Mitch Keller for feedback, suggestions, technical support, and his usual production genius in creating the PDF; to David Austin for his help with graphics generally and fantastic interactives like Figure 1.8.10 specifically; and to each of you who wrote me back in May and June with ideas and requests.

As ever, I welcome hearing from you with your comments on errors, better approaches, and suggestions for additional topics and exercises.

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Followup to my EMES seminar

On Tuesday 10/2, I was honored to speak in the MIT Electronic Seminar on Mathematics Education.  The recorded video from the seminar is now available to view; my slides are also posted.  If you watch/listen to the recording, I apologize in advance for the fact that I struggled with my voice and a cough as I was getting over a cold.

I promised the participants that I’d follow up by reading through the chat stream from Zoom, responding to any issues that I didn’t get to in the seminar and sharing resources that others suggested.  First, here are a two lists that I think others will find interesting and useful, most of which come from the many participants:

Phrases that people suggested to describe active learning:

+ inquiry based learning
+ making thinking visible
+ student centered
+ students drive the mathematical agenda: the discovery of the mathematics
+ actively engaging students in the classroom in authentic mathematical problem solving
+ the instructor inquires into student thinking as students inquire into mathematical content
+ productive struggle

Examples of free or open-source materials the participants use:

+ Desmos classroom activities –
+ We use OpenIntro’s statistics textbook –
+ “find the error” by doug shaw –
+ I get lots of ideas from, whether or not I implement them as an IBL activity or not
+ Poll Everywhere –
+ Also Active Calculus multivariable –
+ This is K-12 but has great tasks. Some of the higher grade level tasks can be used with college students:
+ I am planning to use this next semester for an Abstract Algebra Course for Secondary Pre-service Teachers
+ Wolfram Demonstrations Project –
+ Siefken’s linear algebra notes (I think the following link is right) –
+ Good Questions Project at Cornell for “clicker” questions –
+ for quick calculations and checks between pairs/groups
+ CalcPlot3D –
+ geogebra –
+ (this is Rob Beezer’s new publishing language that Active Calculus is written in)
+ MIT Opencourseware
+ These Desmos Activities have some additional questions that are not in the Preview Activities in the book
+ Mathquest at Carroll College:
+ David Austin’s Understanding Linear Algebra:

Questions.  Participants asked a host of great questions.  I’ve listed below all of the ones that came through by chat.  If memory serves, I responded to all of them but one.  I will refer people to the seminar recording for almost all of these, and here I want to respond to the one that I didn’t get to, which is noted in red below.

> I’d be really interested to hear more about how you went about developing the activities — this would be really helpful for me in thinking about other classes where something as great as AC doesn’t yet exist.

I started small.  Early in my time at GVSU, I wanted my students to engage in more active learning.  So I started writing individual activities.  Usually I tried to think of these using the following criteria:

  + provide a rich and meaningful context that is accessible to students
  + ask a sequence of questions that is clear and focused
  + plan for each activity to be do-able in 15-20 minutes by students who are engaged
  + challenge students to reason in multiple ways and from different perspectives

After I’d taught calculus 4-5 times, I had a collection of maybe 20 such activities, adding to the list each time I taught the course.  Then I learned that several of my colleagues were doing the same kinds of things and asked them to share.  After some light editing and additional writing, my collection of activities for calculus 1 grew to 50 or more; when I printed it as a coursepack and had students buy it for $6, it was about 100 pages (activity statements with room to work).  That pack of activities for calculus 1 was pretty fully developed over a 10-year window of time.  I used that as the basis for the textbook, for which I was granted a 1-semester GVSU sabbatical to write the first four of the eight chapters.

My advice for developing your own activities for courses where you can’t find good resources is:  play a long game.  It’s completely fine to start small and build on your work over an extended time.  While the status quo might not be what you aspire to, the status quo is still ok.  Just work to make the course better every time you teach it.  Over a long career, it’s amazing (still almost astonishing to me) how these resources accumulate over time and can end up producing something that others find useful.  And:  share your work with others.  We have a lot of power to develop rich materials when we share with one another since it lowers the duplication of effort and improves the ideas that we often develop in isolation.

The rest of the questions people asked that are addressed in the seminar recording follow.  I’m very grateful to everyone who participated and contributed, and again to Haynes Miller and MIT for the invitation to speak and hosting this ongoing seminar.

> why is workbook by request?
> Do your students bring their own computers to class?
> How do you grade writing assignments?
> Are these webwork problems available to be added to other problem sets (not linked to the text)? do students need to create an account?
> How large is your class?
> What do your meeting times look like? (That is, how many times per week and for how long?)
> Can this work with 50-minute lectures?
> in class are students all working on a set of shared problems, or is it more individualized for each student
> How many students actually complete the pre-class activities?
> What is discussed during the ‘daily debrief’?
> I notice there is no “wrap up” at the end of class. Is that on purpose?
> Would you be comfortable using the same structure in a class of size 200?
> Are all students comfortable with working in groups? Is individual work welcomed? I am also wondering what a student would do if they finish the exercises quicker than others
> could you talk a little more about structures to provide for different learning pathways for students with varying prior experiences with mathematics and confidence in their abilities
> deskwork vs groups at a blackboard?
> How did you handle the “coverage” issue? Did you have to give up content?
> Do you collect pre-class activities? How do you handle all the paper?

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