I’ve corresponded over the past couple of years with an education entrepreneur named Shivram about his company Edfinity. They have an interesting project where they are working on an easy-to-use interface for online homework that allows instructors to access open problems and assign them to students for grades. They have a sane and rational pricing model that they expect to have come in somewhere around $1 or $2 per student per month. Below you’ll find an invitation to participate in a pilot approach for no cost through the rest of 2018.
At least one faculty member is already using Edfinity’s product with Active Calculus. In the months ahead, I will be learning more about these opportunities, and I wanted to share this news with others as I think this approach has the potential to provide a strong supporting resource to free and open-source textbooks. Here’s a blurb from Shivram at Edfinity if you are interested in piloting in their NSF-funded project:
EDFINITY (NSF-funded and NSF Small Business Innovation Research award winner) is a hosted, modern and “textbook agnostic” homework system.
HIGHLIGHTS: Hosted. Mix and match with OER. Seamless use of WeBWorK problems without the hassle of installation. Leverage over 250 mature courses readily available. Import your own. Create new courses from over 50,000 problems. Share and collaborate. Device friendly.
INVITATION: Edfinity is inviting educators to pilot EDFINITY at no cost during spring/summer/fall 2018. Our eventual price point is estimated to be $1-$2 per student/month
Please visit edfinity.com/webwork and/or feel free to contact shivram@edfinity.com | 650-380-3627