A few updates to the HTML version of Active Calculus

I’ve made the following corrections to fix some typos and other errors:

  • The statement of the quotient rule in Section 2.5 mistakenly stipulated that the derivative of the denominator be nonzero, when of course it’s the denominator function itself must be nonzero.
  • In Exercise #6 in Section 3.4, the cost of the top was accidentally omitted from the problem statement; it should be the same as the cost of the bottom of the box.
  • In Activity 4.4.4, the accompanying graph in Figure 4.4.8 was from a previous version of the text/activity and thus the graph didn’t match the problem statement.  The graph has now been updated.
  • In the WeBWorK exercises for Section 4.4, I realized that the exercises there were identical to those in Section 4.3, so those exercises in 4.4 have been updated.

These errors will persist in the print and PDF versions until I release the 2018 version this summer, but the issues have now been fixed in the HTML posted at https://activecalculus.org/single/.  If you have visited the affected sections in the past, you will likely need to refresh your browser and/or clear your cache in order to get the corrections to show.

I’ve also added short titles to each of the WeBWorK exercises; this gives the reader a bit of a clue to the nature of the exercise without having to click on the link to expand the knowl.

At the bottom of the contents that appear in the lefthand panel, there’s a “feedback” link that connects to a Google form.  Thank you to each of the people who have used this to alert me to errors or recommended changes.  You can use that link or send me email directly at boelkinm at gvsu dot edu.

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