A new home for Active Calculus: https://activecalculus.org

I’m pleased to announce that the HTML version of Active Calculus will now be found at https://activecalculus.org/single/. At https://activecalculus.org/ you’ll find a landing page that includes an overview of features of the text, links to the various versions of the text, and notes about some ancillaries that are available upon request.  The PDF version remains at https://scholarworks.gvsu.edu/books/15, and the print version is still available on Amazon for less than $20.

In the short term, I will keep the HTML version also at its original home on my faculty web page until people are aware of the new URL.  Please point your students and any bookmarks to https://activecalculus.org/single/, as that will be the main site going forward.

At the Joint Meetings in San Diego, the American Institute of Mathematics will be hosting a launch party at 1 pm on Thursday, January 11, to celebrate the release of the new site.  If you are going to be present at JMM, I’d enjoy meeting you at that time at the AIM booth (booth 215) in the exhibit area; I expect to be present from about 12:45 to 1:45.

I’m deeply grateful to the American Institute of Mathematics (AIM) for their support of this project in many different ways, and for their support of open textbooks generally.  David Farmer of AIM has been instrumental in helping me convert the original text from LaTeX to PreTeXt so that the HTML version was possible; I’m grateful for both his technical support and his strong advocacy for the project.  As always, thanks also to Rob Beezer for creating and maintaining PreTeXT and for the opportunities this language provides to authors, as well as to Alex Jordan for his substantial assistance with graphics in the HTML and PDF versions of AC and for his work in making live WeBWorK exercises possible in HTML.

If you have questions about any aspect of the book, I welcome hearing from you at boelkinm at gvsu dot edu.

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