Two updates for the near and not-so-near future:
– This summer, I’m working to establish a print-on-demand option for bound copies; I expect this to be available no later than early August, and will post here about the option once it’s available. For the full 8 chapters printed and bound, the end cost to the user is projected to be around $15. When the print-on-demand option becomes available, a newly-updated version of the text will be posted as well that reflects some recent minor edits.
– My GVSU colleague Steve Schlicker has begun developing a multivariable version of Active Calculus for use in the third semester of the calculus sequence. David Austin and I are working on it with him, and we aspire to have a version ready to post publicly by late in 2014 in time for use in the winter 2015. Further updates will follow in this space.
Recently, I sent a short survey to every instructor who has ever emailed me to inquire about using Active Calculus. If you are someone who has used the text in some way to support your work in teaching calculus, I’d very much appreciate your response to the survey.