The textbook

The student workbook for the alternate version is available in free PDF by direct request to Matt Boelkins: boelkinm at gvsu dot edu.
This version of Active Calculus Single offers an alternate final chapter to the text, one that is focused on Taylor polynomials and Taylor series, rather than on issues of sequence and series convergence.
We expect that starting in August 2024, this version of Chapter 8 will be canonical and be included in the standard HTML, as well as in print. For now, this chapter is available in HTML only from the “read online” button at left. The text at that link is identical to the standard Active Calculus Single for Chapters 1-7, with one significant exception: the Preview Activities in each section of the text are rendered as WeBWorK exercises (as are those in chapter 8). The reason for this change is explained in the next paragraph.
There is an additional opportunity with this alternate version of Active Single: to use the text on Runestone Academy. Runestone is a Learning Engineering Analytics Platform that allows students to log in to the book, complete work on Previews and Exercises in WeBWorK, and have their own progress tracked in their text plus enable the instructor to record that progress. If you want to learn more about how to get started with Active Single in Runestone, see the Active Calculus link in the Runestone library (under “Mathematics”), and/or contact Matt Boelkins for more information.